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Indonesia is one of the largest coffee producers in the world, usually in the top five. Coffee growing was started during colonial times around 1696 as the region provided some excellent growing conditions. Coffee beans from Indonesia produce low acidity and a high bodied profile.


This coffee is grown near the beautiful Lake Toba which is the largest volcanic lake in the world. Processed using Giling Basah, this coffee has a huge body and a spicy aroma with hints of tobacco. You'll love this if you like big, bold flavours!


Price Options
One-time purchase
Coffee Monthly One
Save £1 a packet! Letterbox Packaging 1x250g Coffee Monthly
£7.50every month until canceled
  • Each bag of coffee is prepared to your specification:

    Whole Beans...does what it says on the tin!! Grind them at home.

    Fine/Espresso ground - espresso machines love this grind!

    Medium/Drip ground - aeropress, stovetop, mokapot, drip, V60 and chemex think this grind hits the spot!

    Coarse/Cafetiere ground - cafetiere, clever dripper and cold brew think this grind is fabulous!

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