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Kata is a 2 bean speciality Arabica blend, with beautiful beans from Guatemala grown in the volcanic soils of lush tropical valleys and coffees from Cerrado Minas Gerais in Brazil.


This coffee produces a medium bodied espresso with soft acidity, it has a maple syrup sweetness with hints of pecan and is a deliciously smooth coffee. Have it as a milky coffee to experience its delicious milk chocolate and toffee flavours! 

Kata Blend

SKU: 364215376135199
Price Options
One-time purchase
Coffee Monthly One
Save £1 a packet! Letterbox Packaging 1x250g Coffee Monthly
£7.50every month until canceled
  • Each bag of coffee is prepared to your specification:

    Whole Beans...does what it says on the tin!! Grind them at home.

    Fine/Espresso ground - espresso machines love this grind!

    Medium/Drip ground - aeropress, stovetop, mokapot, drip, V60 and chemex think this grind hits the spot!

    Coarse/Cafetiere ground - cafetiere, clever dripper and cold brew think this grind is fabulous!

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